
to FEAR, The Fanlistings Network and The Movielistings Network site for Dr. Jonathan Crane 'Scarecrow', of the Batman/DC Comics universe. If you're a fan of Dr. Crane/Scarecrow, grab a button if you have a site, and fill out the join form to add your name to the list of fans!


Last update: March 04, 2025
Fans listed: 79, from 14 countries
Pending fans: 0
Welcome, to our newest fan(s): A Shapeshifter

Jonathan Crane 'Scarecrow'

What is a Fanlisting?

As per TheFanlistings.org - A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject.


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 Batman Begins  Batman Villains  Cillian Murphy  Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)  Joker, The

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